Small Things with Love

In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love. (Mother Theresa)

Life Is Short

Life is short. There is no time to leave important words unsaid. (Paulo Coelho)

Giving and Receiving

Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting. (Author Unknown)

Appreciate Yours

Be thankful for what you have you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.(Oprah Winfrey)

Something More

If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done. (Thomas Jefferson)

Monday, January 31, 2011

How to Make Money Using Blogs (for Newbie)

     The reason for Beginners in the making Some Blogger blogs are Able to make money from Blog and learn how to exist in the world of Internet Business and Internet Marketing. Blogs That We struggled so far turned out to have a chance to Reap earnings in rupiah or dollars if We Know-how his memonetize. For Beginners been Able to sample a bit of money from A blog is a separate happiness especially if the opportunity to make money from Blog Able to open even wider. But do not be too much to think That making money from blogs is easy. Hard Bro! Should increase of visitors from Search Engines, must have a big PageRank, Should this and that's what makes us Sometimes the spirit of blogging a little down if the conditions put forward We Can not meet. However Achiles Some earnest share tips on how to create blogs Beginners cans make money even if the money is still very minimal compared to the bloggers Pls Who Are already well established in cyberspace. 

1. Determine whether the program will from We choose. At least there are 2 programs is easy for us as a Newbie Blogger namely PPC (Pay per Click) and the Program Review. 

2. If you have chosen our program to be involved with both the PPC, Review or both, We Must Know That the requirements must be met for our Blog maximum in making money. 

3. We follow the terms if the PPC is a high traffic from search engines. Without traffic from search engines, not likely, there will from some maximum results in memonetize Blog. The logic is simple Man Who ENTERED the search engines will from some more potential to click on ads We Fit Than That fellow guest bloggers themselves Because Blogger Also has ads. If our high-traffic search engines perform certain PPC accounts EACH day We have added money. Where is the Bank That give us flowers every day if not the PPC. As an Illustration min ratio is 2% of visitors enter through Search Engine WHO MUST click on ads. So if one day We can reach 300 blog visitors from SE then there 6x min ad clicks made by visitors. The ratio is the ratio of at least a Achiles noticed over the years. If We have three blogs That have visitors stay over 500 per day just own multiply the number of clicks an ad with the price of EACH fellow gentlemen. To know how to get traffic from Search Engines cans read the article How to improv this Blog Visitor 

4. If you're having trouble raising a Visitor from search engines, then there is another program That Is Review. Reviewing the giver job for us fit in the post and We get paid based on the bidding giver Job. However, as requested for this program are water-Blog PageRank 2 and above. But now there is really an opportunity for blogs were the resource persons Paying down from PageRank 2 blogs but still a big homework were the resource persons will from be given priority to get a job first. To find out how to raise Page Rank cans read this article How to increase of PageRank 

5. Here are the PPC and Review Program That reference cans be followed specifically for the Newbie Blogger: 

* Google Adsense 

Ok while it Used to create a blog for tips on how to make money for beginners and reference cans That program be followed. Achiles purposely did not give many references for our programs as a Newbie cans be more focused with the program That We already follow Slowly as he understands very well how it works.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Bali merupakan daerah pariwisata. Selain terkenal dengan pantainya, Bali juga terkenal dengan ciri khas pertaniannya yang menggunakan sistem subak. Sistem subak merupakan sistem pengairan air di Bali yang digunakan petani untuk mengatasi kekurangan air pada saat musim kemarau.
Bali is a tourism place. Besides that Bali famous with its beautiful beach and also its unique agricultural that use a system called Subak. Subak is a irrigation system in Bali that used by farmers to help them in dry season.
Cara subak mencari dan mendapatkan sumber air untuk irigasi adalah dengan membangun berbagai fasilitas irigasi seperti empelan, aungan, dan saluran air. Kemudian air yang sudah diperoleh dibagikan kepada semua anggota sesuai dengan aturan yang telah disepakati bersama baik yang menyangkut hak petani atas perubahan air maupun tentang sistem pembagiannya.
The way of Subak to get water for irigation by build many irrigation facility likes, empelan, aungan, and waterpipe . The water that got, then divided to all farmers agree with regulation that made together that relate farners right about change the water or  about dividing system.
Keunggulan dari subak yaitu mampu membagi air secara adil dan merata, menjaga agar tidak terjadi konflik pemanfaatan air, berperan aktif dalam upaya pemanfaatan sumber daya air, memelihara saluran-saluran air, dan mendayagunakan sumber-sumber air yang teredia.
The excellent of Subak that is its can dividing water fairing and spreading, keep to be there not a conflict about  the function of water, active in effort to use water resource, keep the waterpipes and efficiency water source.
Oleh karena itu, keberadaan sistem subak di Bali khususnya dalam sistem pertanian sangat penting. Karena air merupakan kebutuhan dasar yang mutlak harus ada serta terjamin keamanannya baik dari segi kuantitas dan kualitas. Apapun cara yang ditempuh, perlu juga diberi penekanan disini, bahwa permasalahan air pada dewasa ini telah mencapai tahapan yang semakin kritis. Jadi, kita harus menggunakan air seefesian mungkin.
Thus, the existence of Subak system in Bali especially in agricultural system is very important. Because, water is a basis necessity that very absolute and must be there and also warranted its safety from its quantities and qualities. No matter what we can do, we need to gived pressing here that any problems about water in this period reached in a phase that more seriously. So, we must use the water more efficient.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Artikel Indikator Asam-Basa dari Bahan Alami

1.1   Tujuan
Untuk membuat indikator asam-basa dari bahan-bahan alami yang mudah dijumpai di alam sekitar.

1.2  Alat dan Bahan
·     Alat
Ø  Parutan
Ø  Saringan
Ø  Pipet
Ø  Pisau
Ø  Gelas Bening

·     Bahan
-          Indikator Alami:
Ø  Kunyit
Ø  Bunga Kembang Sepatu
Ø  Bunga Mawar
Ø  Bayam Merah
-          Sampel:
Ø  Larutan Kapur
Ø  Air Jeruk
Ø  Sprite
Ø  Coca-cola
Ø  Shampoo
Ø  Cuka
Ø  Kopi

1.3   Prosedur Kerja
* Bunga Kembang Sepatu
1. Tuang larutan shampoo, larutan cuka, larutan kapur, Sprite pada masing-masing gelas bening.
2. Teteskan ekstrak bunga kembang sepatu dengan menggunakan pipet ke masing-masing gelas yang berisi larutan sebanyak 4 tetes.
3. Amati perubahan warna yang terjadi.
*  Kunyit
 1. Tuang larutan shampoo, larutan cuka, larutan kapur, air jeruk, coca-cola dan kopi pada masing-masing gelas bening.
2. Teteskan ekstrak kunyit dengan menggunakan pipet ke masing-masing gelas yang berisi larutan sebanyak 4 tetes.
3. Amati perubahan warna yang terjadi.
* Bunga Mawar
1. Tuang larutan shampoo, larutan cuka, larutan kapur, Sprite pada masing-masing gelas bening.
2. Teteskan ekstrak bunga mawar dengan menggunakan pipet ke masing-masing gelas yang berisi larutan sebanyak 4 tetes.
3. Amati perubahan warna yang terjadi.

* Bayam Merah
1. Tuang larutan shampoo, larutan cuka, larutan kapur, Sprite pada masing-masing gelas bening.
2. Teteskan ekstrak bayam merah dengan menggunakan pipet ke masing-masing gelas yang berisi larutan sebanyak 4 tetes.
3. Amati perubahan warna yang terjadi.

1.4  Teori Penunjang
Menurut Arrhenius, Asam adalah suatu senyawa yang jika dilarutkan ke dalam air akan memberikan ion hidrogen (H+ ) dalam suatu larutan, Basa adalah senyawa yang jika dilarutkan ke dalam air akan memberikan ion hidroksida (OH-) dalam suatu larutan.
Menurut Bronsted-Lowry, Asam adalah Spesi yang dapat memberikan proton atau donor proton (H+ ). Basa adalah Spesi yang dapat menerima proton atau akseptor proton (H+ ).
Menurut Lewis asam adalah spesi yang bertindak sebagai penerima pasangan elektron (Akseptor elektron). Basa adalah spesi yang bertindak sebagai pemberi pasangan elektron (donor elektron).
Indikator adalah zat yang dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan sifat suatu zat melalui perubahan warnanya yang khas. Setiap zat atau senyawa mempunyai sifat asam ,basa atau netral. Indikator ini dapat berupa indikator universal atau lakmus biru - lakmus merah yang dibuat di laboratorium, atau juga dapat menggunakan indikator asam-basa dengan bahan dari alam.
Indikator asam-basa alami menggunakan bahan-bahan dari alam seperti bunga sepatu, bunga hidrangea, kol ungu, kunyit, kembang kertas dan beberapa jenis tumbuhan lainnya. Indikator asam-basa yang baik adalah zat warna yang memberi warna berbeda dalam larutan asam dan larutan basa.

1.5  Kesimpulan
Indikator Bahan Alami
Larutan Yang Diuji
Perubahan Warna
Tergolong Zat (Asam-Basa)
Air Jeruk
Jingga        Kuning

Hitam        Kuning kecoklatan

larutan Shampoo
Putih         Merah kekuning-kuningan

Hitam        Kuning kecoklatan

Putih        Kuning

Air Kapur
Putih        Kuning

Indikator Bahan Alami
Larutan Yang Diuji
Perubahan Warna
Tergolong Zat (Asam-Basa)
Bunga Kembang Sepatu
larutan shampoo
Putih      Kuning kemerahan

larutan cuka
Putih       Merah

larutan kapur
Putih       Merah

Putih       Merah

Indikator Bahan Alami
Larutan Yang Diuji
Perubahan Warna
Tergolong Zat (Asam-Basa)
Bunga Mawar
larutan shampoo
Merah       Hijau

larutan cuka
Putih       Merah Muda

larutan kapur
Putih       Merah Muda

Putih       Merah Muda

Indikator Bahan Alami
Larutan Yang Diuji
Perubahan Warna
Tergolong Zat (Asam-Basa)
Bayam Merah
larutan shampoo
Putih        Kuning

larutan soda kue
Putih        Merah

larutan body lotion
Putih        Merah

Putih        Merah

       Jadi, bahan-bahan alami seperti kunyit, bunga mawar dan bunga kembang sepatu juga dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator alami yang dapat menentukan sifat asam-basa suatu zat.